House of the Maestro Luigi Nono
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House of the Maestro Luigi Nono

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Luigi Nono

Luigi Nono (Venice, 29 January 1924 - 8 May 1990) was an Italian composer of contemporary music. He spent most of his life in Venice, part of the intellectual scene in the city.

After studying under Malipiero, Luigi Nono made a name for himself in the 1950s as one of the most important exponents of the European avant-garde musical scene.
His earlier compositions show how he wanted to write music that would be closer to contemporary tastes, including the need for making civil and political statements. He developed his style through electronic and live seriate music. He explored many different directions: point-like and assorted lyricism counterpoised with strident music with strong phonic and expressive agitation.

His most important works are: "Epitaffio per Garcia Lorca" (1953), "Il conto sospeso" (1955), "Cori di Didone" (1958), "La fabbrica illuminata" (1964), "Al gran sole carico d’amore" (1975). At the end of the 1970s Nono shifted his attention to more introspective aspects and experimented with electronic music, as in his "Io, frammento dal Prometeo" (1981) and "Quando stanno morendo", "Diario polacco 2°" (1982).

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