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Mauro Codussi, or Coducci (Val Brembana, in the province of Bergamo 1440- Venice 1504), was an important architect and stonemason from the 15th Century.
With many commissions in Venice, he was one of the first exponents of late Venetian Gothic architecture (second half of the 15th Century), adopting the Renaissance style.
His most important works in Venice are: the church of San Michele in Isola (1468-79 ca.); the interior of the church of Santa Maria Formosa (begun in 1492); the façade and completion of the interior of the church of San Zaccaria (1483-c.1500); the church of San Giovanni Crisostomo (1497-1504); the staircase of San Giovanni Evangelista (1498); the Torre dell’Orologio in St. Mark’s Square (1496).
Equally important are his many palaces, including Palazzo Corner-Spinelli and Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi, the prototypes for Renaissance façades in Venice.
1300 - 1400 - - rev. 0.1.6