The Campo di San Stae with the homonymous church on Canal Grande.

Restoration works inside.
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The Campo di San Stae with the homonymous church on Canal Grande.

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Restoration works inside.

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San Stae

The church of San Stae faces the Canal Grande and has a large Baroque façade by Domenico Rossi (1709) that is shaped like a temple with a large triangular pediment supported by columns resting on tall pedestals.
The interior was designed in the late 17th Century by the Palladian architect John Grassi. The church has a single nave with three chapels on each side. A large tombstone in the centre of this building marks the grave of the Mocenigo family.
The church contains many valuable paintings by Tiepolo, Piazzetta, Sebastiano Ricci and Gian Antonio Pellegrini.

Thanks to its good acoustics, the church is now often used for concerts.

1600 - 1700 - S. CROCE - rev. 0.1.6

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