The side on Cannaregio Canal.

Chiesa di San Geremia. The front on the homonymous campo.
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The side on Cannaregio Canal.

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Chiesa di San Geremia. The front on the homonymous campo.

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San Geremia

This church in Cannaregio is dedicated to the prophet Jeremiah and dates back to the 11th Century. The Romanesque brick bell-tower is one of the oldest in Venice, probably built in 1100. Work started on the current building in 1753 to a design by Carlo Corbellini.

In 1871 the facades were modified after a fire in 1848 caused by Austrian grenades.
The main façade of the church faces the Cannaregio canal. Inside, the church has some 18th century paintings and the remains of Santa Lucia, moved here from the church dedicated to her that had to be demolished to allow for the railway.

400 - 1000 - CANNAREGGIO - rev. 0.1.5

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